The Macleay Argus

How an inclusive playspace can remove the barriers to children enjoying play

Having fun playing together is an essential part of childhood that should be available to everyone. Picture Shutterstock.
Having fun playing together is an essential part of childhood that should be available to everyone. Picture Shutterstock.

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A truly inclusive play space doesn't have designated spaces for children of different abilities, it is a space where all children can play and have fun together.

The importance of creating inclusive environments where all children can play and learn together cannot be overstated. Inclusive play spaces ensure that no child is left on the sidelines. These thoughtfully designed play areas go beyond mere accessibility, creating an environment where children of all abilities can explore, interact, and grow.

The importance of inclusive play

Inclusive play is about more than just installing ramps on playgrounds. It's about creating spaces that cater to a wide range of needs, encouraging all children to play together safely. These inclusive environments not only aid in the physical development of children with diverse abilities but also promote empathy, understanding, and social inclusion among their peers.

Creating inclusive play spaces encourages acceptance and fosters a sense of belonging for children. It breaks down barriers and allows children to be exposed to different lived experiences and learn from those.

Breaking down barriers

Traditional playgrounds often present different obstacles for children with disabilities. From inaccessible play equipment to unsuitable surfaces, these barriers can prevent children from enjoying play, an important part of childhood. Inclusive play spaces, however, are designed with these challenges in mind, featuring:

Accessible Equipment: From low-level play panels to wheelchair-friendly swings, inclusive playgrounds offer equipment that all children can enjoy.

Safe Surfacing: Non-toxic, impact-absorbing surfaces ensure safety for all children, particularly those with mobility or balance issues.

Sensory Elements: Incorporating tactile panels, musical instruments, and visually stimulating elements cater to children with sensory processing difficulties.

Shaded Areas: Protecting children from the sun and providing a comfortable environment for those with temperature regulation difficulties.

Inclusive play creates a welcoming space for children of all abilities to come together to play alongside one another. Picture Shutterstock
Inclusive play creates a welcoming space for children of all abilities to come together to play alongside one another. Picture Shutterstock

The benefits that extend beyond the playground

The impact of inclusive play spaces reaches far beyond the boundaries of the playground. They serve as a space where children learn to understand and appreciate diversity in the world around them.

This early exposure to inclusive play can shape attitudes, creating a generation that understands and values equality and inclusion.

Physical Health: By providing opportunities for physical activity tailored to their abilities, children can improve their mobility, strength, and coordination.

Mental Wellbeing: Inclusive play helps to build confidence, may reduce anxiety or nervousness, and boost mood among children with and without disabilities.

Social Skills: Engaging in play with a diverse group of peers teaches children valuable social skills, such as cooperation, communication, and understanding.

Sense of Belonging: Inclusive play creates a welcoming space for children of all abilities to come together to play alongside one another. This fosters a sense of belonging and community.

The creation of inclusive play spaces requires the collaboration of local councils, schools, and wider community groups. By prioritising inclusivity in play areas, we can make a significant impact on the lives of all children.

It's time for communities everywhere to embrace the concept of inclusive play and ensure that every child has the chance to enjoy the simple joy of playing alongside their peers.